Thank you for your interest in the League. Allow me to take this opportunity to share with you some brief facts and information about the opportunities afforded by membership in the Miami-Dade County League of Cities (MDCLC).  Miami-Dade County League of Cities was founded in 1953 and is also the largest local League in the state of Florida.  Our primary mission is to protect and advocate for the interest of all the cities, towns and villages within Miami-Dade County.

Joining MDCLC will be a great benefit to you and your organization especially in building private-public relationships. MDCLC provides our associate members with the opportunity to network with our governmental entities on a regular basis at our monthly board meetings. This gives our members the ability to meet with elected officials and municipal administrators to discuss issues of mutual concern.

Thank you for your interest in having your organization/company become an associate member of MDCLC.  Please fill out the membership form below.  You may also want to contact the League office at 305-416-4155 or you can also e-mail us at [email protected]